11th Migu Music Awards: Jane Zhang gets two awards

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Migu Music Awards

Initially set up by China Mobile, the Migu Music Awards event (无线音乐盛典咪咕汇) awards prizes music artists and the most famous works according to statistics from the Chinese music Migu streaming service.

2017 Migu Music Awards: Jane Zhang gets two awards

Jane is practically a “permanent guest” of Migu Music Awards from several years. In this edition Jane collects even a brace of awards: “Most Popular Singer of the Year for Mainland China” and “Top Ten Song of the Year” for “Beauty” (思美人, Si Mei Ren), song theme of the famous television drama “Song of Phoenix” (思美人). Here all episodes with English subtitles.

Migu Music Awards a Jane Zhang

Jane Zhang on the red carpet at Migu Music Awards 2017

2017 Migu Music Awards: Jane Zhang’s performance

Great energy and perfect performance for Jane Zhang singing on the stage of Migu Music Awards 2017 held Saturday, December 16 in Shanghai at Mercedes Benz Arena. Jane’s performance, which consist of 4 songs with different musical styles, wowed the entire audience in Shanghai.

We edited a video including all the moments of Jane’s participation in the famous singing event.

It starts with the red carpet, then the musical performance with the songs “Down the River” (順流而下), “Dust My Shoulders Off“, “Wait Until You Finally” (终于等到你) and “Hot” (热) , to follow the time of the award ceremony and finally a very nice interview after the awards.

Jane fashion icon

On the red carpet Jane wore an elegant fire-red veil dress by We Couture and a Dior choker, while on the stage, during the performance and awards, Jane’s outfit was a black Crop Top (or Midriff, if you prefer), distressed trousers studded with diamonds in a bit ‘punk style and black shoes open with high heels.

Migu Music Awards a Jane Zhang

Jane wears a red veil dress by We Couture

Migu Music Awards a Jane Zhang

Jane Zhang performs at Migu Music Awards 2017

So belly on show for the “Goddess of Pop” but, as is appropriate for a fashion icon as Jane, navel covered with a sweater around the waist.

The “Crop Top” was a trend exploded in the ’80s, when t-shirts cut or knotted under the breasts left the belly uncovered and Madonna in fact wore one under a mesh tank top in the MV of the song Lucky Star.

Migu Music Awards a Jane Zhang

Jane Zhang’s interview after the award at the Migu 2017

2017: a successful year for Jane

The Migu Award as “Most Popular Singer of the Year” follows a fantastic year for the Dolphin Princess who has played a leading role in numerous events and musical achievements.

We mentioned some:

  • in July Jane receives the “Best Film and TV Singer award in Beijing at the Netease Entertainment Crossover Festival (網易娛樂跨界盛典)
  • also in July the recording of “Exquisite” (玲瓏), OST for the hit TV drama “The Drunk” (醉玲珑)
  • also in the same month the “Queen of music for Movie and TV”, so called for the impressive number of successful OST created over the past 10 years, records the theme song for the movie “Legend of The Naga Pearls” (鮫珠傳). The piece is “Please Let Love Believes In You” (請讓愛情相信你), lyrics by Chen Shaoqi (陳少琪) and music by Ikuro Fujiwara (藤原育郎), Jane produces it together with Cui Di (造音崔迪).
  • the day after comes out the single “Angels and Harmony”, an original song chosen by 20th Century Fox for the China’s promotion of the US sci-fi colossal “War for the Planet of the Apes“. Lyrics written by Ne-Yo,  are entirely in English, and the piece is played together with Ne-Yo
  • on October 27th Jane’s adventure as a coach on “Sound of My Dream 2” TV show began. The format is currently still in progress and will consist of a total of 20 episodes. For the occasion Jane re-enacts and contributes to enrich the history of several famous musical pieces such as “Unstoppable Life (浮生未歇), “The Other Half” (Lao Ban – 老伴) , “My Desired Happiness” (我要的幸福), “Only Love Strangers” (只愛陌生人), “Sad People Should Not Listen Slow Songs” (伤心的人别听慢歌) and “Fleet of Time” (匆匆那年) sung together with JJ Lin
  • ten days later Jane is one of the five performers of the concert “Super DIVA Love Concert” (Love Concert 演唱会超级 DIVA) in Zhengzhou
  • on November 20th Jane is, together with Harry Styles, Miguel and Leslie Odom Jr., one of the 4 performers of the most anticipated music and fashion show of the year: the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show
  • the next day is the turn of Jane’s second single English, “Work For It“, which within hours of his release, enters the top ten of iTunes US, shortly afterwards unexpectedly followed by 808
  • Lastly, a few days ago the release of the new theme song for the TV series “The Red Rose” (紅薔薇), lyrics by Chen Shaoqi (陳少琪) and Jane, music by Cui Di (崔迪), closely followed by another piece sung together with Li Ronghao (李榮浩), entitled Kingdom of Women (女儿国). This last is the theme song for movie “The Monkey King 3 – Kingdom of Women” (西游记之女儿国) that’s scheduled for February 2018.

Jane Zhang Sizzle Reel

For people who don’t know Jane I recommend this short video presentation which is just 3 minutes long. It summarizes the she’s artistic history and she’s achievements.

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