Jane Zhang divorce in sight for the Dolphin Princess ?
In the last few hours on Weibo, the largest Chinese social network on which the singer has almost 40 million followers, echoes the news of the divorce between Jane Zhang and her husband Michael Feng.
Jane Zhang, born Zhang Liangying (张靓颖), got married in 2016, crowning her dream of love and thus finalizing a relationship that lasted 12 years with Michael Feng whose real name is Feng Ke (冯轲). Michael, 14 years older than Jane, is the CEO of the production company owned by Jane, the Beijing-based Show City Times Entertainment.

Jane and Michael. The wedding in Italy
The fan reaction
The couple seems to have come to divorce after just two years of marriage. Fans on Weibo are divided between those who are unbelievers and those who expected a similar ending to this love story. The firsts believed that the couple looking set to last through time despite the difference in age, by virtue of the 10 years of engagement and the many difficulties that had hindered their relationship and that the two had faced, however, getting married. Others have always believed that Michael wasn’t the right man for her and today they wish she finds someone who deserves Jane for real.
Jane Zhang divorce in sight. The rumors
The rumors of the impending divorce of Jane began two months ago, on February 4, when the lyricist Wen Ya (文雅), an old acquaintance of the singer, writes a post shared on Chinese social network. Wen Ya currently holds the position of Chief Executive Officer of Beijing Ying Jue Cultural Development Co., Ltd., and previously has been as music director for Huayi Brothers Music Co., Ltd. also overseeing the production of Jane’s first album (“The One“, 2006). Those are the words in the her post written 2 months ago:
Ten years ago, in a small office at 901 / Block A of Beijing’s FengLian Plaza, an embarrassed 24-year-old student sat in front of me and was building her pop singer figure. She apologized to me on behalf of another person for causing a dispute at work, and sought my understanding and my forgiveness. I replied, “As long as you’re still with this man, I can not work with you anymore.” Ten years later, I met her again and she was even more embarrassed since then, though in the meantime she had had a huge success in her career. She told me: “I always remember your sentence. Now we can finally meet again because I am no longer with that person.” I met this woman in Beijing for two consecutive nights, she was living in the hotel for 6 months. She had taken a break and cried for her last ten years without telling me anything. We took the opportunity to clarify our mutual estrangement lasted 10 years. I wish only the best for she because she deserves better.
Wen Ya does not actually mention Jane’s name in her post, but it’s reasonable to think that she was talking about her because both had worked together previously and the chronology of events perfectly overlaps the story of the Dolphin Princess.
Subsequently, Jane’s divorce rumors increased when Jane came home to celebrate the Chinese New Year and was alone. Michael it was nowhere.
At the moment no official statement has been released by the couple.
Jane and Michael’s story: she asks in public to formalize their relationship
On July 4, 2015, during the Changsha stage of the “Bang The World” tour, Jane surprised everyone (at that time only the most intimate friends knew about their relationship), including her boyfriend, revealing the love story that lasted for 10 years. The Dolphin Princess had just finished singing the song “Finally Waited for You” (终于等到你) and referring to it she said:
Anyway, I didn’t have to wait because since I was 18 years old, I’ve always had a person beside me.
Jane said that she intended to go public with their relationship from the beginning, in 2005, the same year in which she participated in the Super Girl talent (超级女声), but Michael was opposed to this idea, because he feared that the news could to have a negative effect on her singing career as soon blossomed.
In that concert, Jane added that, however, 10 years had passed and she is approaching her 31st birthday, so she felt that those was the perfect moment to make her love public:
I don’t want to live alone anymore ! You were all with me in these 10 years, since my debut today, and so did this person. I thought enough. If you’re willing to marry me, then come on stage.
By that time, Michael, quite surprised, took the stage, hugged and kissed Jane thanking the audience wich called for a marriage proposal.
In the video you can see the embarrassment of Jane waiting on stage, standing and silent, almost a minute before Michael arrives. The next day Michael tells that when he was told that Jane wanted him on stage, he thought there were problems with the concert.
Jane and Michael’s story: Michael’s statement the next day
The next day Michael told with a post on Weibo that he was still shocked by what had happened the night before, when, being intent on checking the technical details of the concert, he hadn’t heard Jane’s words and therefore, without understanding why, he saw himself pushed by staff members to go on stage.
The story continues: confusion, the dazzling lights and the beauty of his beloved had stunned and surprised he, and so they had not allowed him to think straight. However, Michael explains that the reason for which hadn’t made his proposal of marriage that evening is that all that was happening was in conflict with the plans that he had already prepared for their love story.
Michael finally adds the following words:
Many people call her the Goddess, I’ve never called her that, but she’s in my heart. For ten years she dedicated the best part of his youth to music, we loved each other, we walked together and our love remained unchanged […] This message doen’t want to replace what should be a solemn moment. I know you’re the only one for me in this life.
Jane and Michael’s story: comes the marriage proposal
The official mariage proposal happens, always in public, on October 10th of the same year, in the last stage of the tour, in Chengdu, the city that gave birth to Jane. Michael at the end of the concert surprises Jane with a video whose images she retrace their romance lasted 10 years and which has as background music a song dedicated to her and sung by him. Then, kneeling on the stage, he asks her to marry him and puts the engagement ring on her finger. Jane overwhelmed by emotion suddenly bursts into tears on stage.
Jane and Michael’s story: doubts about Michael
Immediately after Jane’s and Michael’s relationship was made public, social media and press reports alternate on the fact that he was already married when he first met Jane in 2003, in a pub he frequented and in which she sang. It seems that in 2005, two years after they met, when Jane had achieved great fame for his participation in the talent show Super Girl, Michael has filed for divorce from his first wife.
Jane and Michael’s story: her mother is opposed to marriage
Between 2015 and 2016, Jane found herself in the middle of a family dispute because of her engagement with Michael. The singer’s mother heavily accuses her future son-in-law of financially exploiting her daughter’s position and deceiving her about financial gains and personal economic substances. In an open letter published in newspapers Ms. Zhang also reveals that she had been improperly excluded from the company that manages the professional figure of Jane.
The Show City Times Entertainment was founded by the couple and today is one of the most successful independent record labels in China and affiliated with Sony Music for the distribution of Jane’s albums and another ten singers produced by Jane.
The mother even announced an appeal in court against her daughter’s boyfriend. Subsequently, the shares are redistributed by assigning them to Jane in an extent of 99 percent and leaving Michael the remaining 1 percent.
A little later, on 11 October 2016, at a party held for Jane’s 32nd birthday at the Music House in Chengdu, the family gave the impression of having rejoined and Dolphin Princess ‘mother posed quietly for the photographers together with the couple. Needless to say, the video and photos all gave the impression of being a bit ‘forced, almost like that reconciliation was for the benefit of the media. In fact, Jane’s mother didn’t attend her daughter’s wedding.

Jane, her mom and Michael at the party for the 32th birthday of the singer
Jane and Michael’s story: the wedding of Queen
Jane and Michael wedding took place on November 8th 2016 in Italy, precisely in Orvieto, in the splendid millenary setting of the Hotel Castello la Badia. On why Jane and Michael have chosen to get married in Italy there aren’t official news and we can say that a part of the Chinese press at the time criticized this choice, but the fact is that Jane love Italy very much.
The wedding took place in private, and without the presence of the press. But there are two beautiful statements made by Jane and Michael to the Chinese press to dispel some ‘shadows that journalists and some fans had thrown on their plans to tie the knot. Michael said:
13 years of ups and downs, we know each other more, this is a new beginning, I hope we can have thousands of other 13 years
and Jane in response:
At our age we get to know each other, we’ve stood the test of time and yet still constantly learn from each other. He isn’t good at expressing his feelings, I think we can influence each other for a lifetime. When I say love it’s for a lifetime.
Concerning the marriage there are also people who suggest that in fact the ceremony was performed only formally but in fact it has never been officially registered with the competent authorities. But at present these are just rumors, and these claims are unverified.

Jane’s wedding: the wedding dress made for her by Tony Ward
The latest achievements of Jane
After the recent success in the international field obtained with songs like “808“, “Dust Off My Shoulders” and “Work For It” that they did gain access to US iTunes and Billboard charts, Jane is now working for the release of the much-announced English album produced by Timbaland and, among other things, last November 20 she was one of the performers chosen for the annual fashion-show appointment of the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show. The others were Harry Styles, Miguel and Leslie Odom Jr.
2018 will also be the year of her new concert tour entitled “Jane’s Secret” whose first stop is scheduled for Beijing on May 5th.

The poster of the new concert tour of Jane Zhang. Jane’s Secret
Dear Jane, whatever the truth about what is happening, we wish you all the happiness because you deserve it. In life, love between people can see the end but what will never end is your love for music and therefore the love of the audience for you.
We wish you a good life, Jane !