
Jane Zhang concert tour 2018: Jane’s Secret

Jane Zhang concert tour 2018: Jane’s Secret [read italian version] Dear Jane fans, the date of the new concert tour of Jane Zhang is approaching. The tour starts on May 5 with a concert in the Chinese capital. Here is the official announcement video:

Jane Zhang tour 2018: Jane’s Secret

Jane Zhang tour 2018: Jane’s Secret [read english version] Cari fan di Jane, si avvicina la data della partenza del nuovo tour di concerti di Jane Zhang. Il tour apre i battenti il 5 maggio con un concerto nella capitale cinese. Ecco il video annuncio ufficiale:

Jane Zhang ospite al 10° anniversario dei Marvel Studios

Jane Zhang ospite al 10° anniversario dei Marvel Studios [read english version] Jane Zhang ospite di spicco ai festeggiamenti della Marvel per celebrare il decimo anniversario dei Marvel Studios. In questi giorni in Cina, come nel resto del mondo, tra l’altro c’è una grande campagna promozionale per il prossimo film Marvel: “Avengers: Infinity War – […]

Jane Zhang guest on the 10th anniversary of Marvel Studios

Jane Zhang guest on the 10th anniversary of Marvel Studios [read italian version] Jane Zhang prominent guest at Marvel celebrations to mark the tenth anniversary of Marvel Studios. These days in China, as elsewhere in the world, there’s also a great promotional campaign for the upcoming Marvel movie “Avengers: Infinity War – Part I“.

Jane Zhang memory box: a letter from 2005 to fans

Jane Zhang memory box: a letter from 2005 to fans. It’s getting very close the time of beginning of Jane Zhang’s 2018 tour. Waiting for the Beijing concert on May 5th, which will be the first stage of this tour titled “Jane’s Secret“, I dusted off a letter written by Jane to her fans in […]

Jane Zhang divorzio alle porte per la Dolphin Princess ?

Jane Zhang divorzio alle porte per la Dolphin Princess ? [read english version] In queste ore su Weibo, il maggior social network cinese sul quale la cantante ha quasi 40 milioni di followers, rimbalza la notizia del divorzio tra Jane Zhang e suo marito Michael Feng.

Jane Zhang divorce in sight for the Dolphin Princess ?

Jane Zhang divorce in sight for the Dolphin Princess ? [read italian version] In the last few hours on Weibo, the largest Chinese social network on which the singer has almost 40 million followers, echoes the news of the divorce between Jane Zhang and her husband Michael Feng.

The Jane Zhang disco music in 2010

The Jane Zhang disco music in 2010 [read italian version] On February 2, 2010 is the release date of the album “Believe in Jane” (我相信) produced by ShowCityTimes and distributed by Universal Music label. In this work, the Dolphin Princess bets, for the first time, on tracks with a considerably faster rhythm than those published […]

La disco music di Jane Zhang (Best Asian Artist 2010)

La disco music di Jane Zhang (Best Asian Artist 2010) [read english version] Il 2 febbraio 2010 è la data di pubblicazione dell’album “Believe in Jane” (我相信) prodotto da ShowCityTimes e distribuito con etichetta Universal Music. In questo lavoro la Dolphin Princess scommette, per la prima volta, su brani dal ritmo considerevolmente più veloce rispetto […]

Jane Zhang Outstanding Chinese Artist of the Year 2017

Jane Zhang Outstanding Chinese Artist of the Year 2017 [read italian version] Beijing, February 3, 2018 The event is the 2017 Mobile Video Festival (2017放肆一下移動視頻風雲盛典), the annual meeting aka “Music Industry Oscar” that focuses on video, characters and hot events in the Chinese music world for the past year and whose slogan is “Technology meets […]